👊 Domi's favourite Things - Issue #30

The Luck of the irish bargaining Power 🇮🇪

Read time: 6.20 Minutes

Servus Friends, 👊

last week we covered the powerful “Land & Expand” Strategy to attack new Markets, in the american Issue. 🇺🇸

Today we turn to irish Soil again and dive deeper into the Power of Primark. 🇮🇪

But please, Attention to today’s Twitterbox. I have a real Banger for you about finding novel Ideas.

Keep reading Friends…

The Things we are digging in Today:

  1. 🛍️ Why irish Retailer “Primark” is thriving against the Trend 🇮🇪

  2. 🦺 Domi’s „Building in Public“: 🚀 xxx 👨‍💻

  3. #Twitter-Box: The Creativity Faucet - Getting novel Ideas ✍️

  4. #Domi's favourite 5 - Random Ninja Edition 🥷

# 1 - 🛍️ Making Pots of Gold with “Penney’s” 🇮🇪

2018 I learned a lot about the “sneaky” People of Ireland…

Back then, I used to lived in Dublin due to my Studies. It was a great Time with new Friends, a new Culture and a lot of different Approaches to Life.

Don’t get the “sneaky” wrong. It’s a real Compliment for my Friends from the Eire…

Usually you use this Word for having a “sneaky Pint”. (Click one this Link, it’s hilarious 😅) Means, that having a quick Pint in between two Appointments and don’t tell anyone later.

But I also learned what “sneaky” can mean in Business.

In Business Terms you use this, if someone is has a smart but unusual Way of approaching Things. And Ireland’s Business World is full of Examples here.

Meet Primark. Or in Ireland called Penney’s. (here the secret Reason why Penney’s in Ireland)

Primark is a stellar Case of, how being “sneaky” in Business can make your Firm thriving when others declining.

Currently nearly every Fast-Fashion Brand have to fight with Past-Covid Effects. Business is declining and the E-Commerce Retail is hurting almost every Brand we know.

With one little Exception… Primark!

But how can a Company with the cheapest Prices win, when others lose?

Because they using a lot of un-obvious Tactics to approach the current Market Conditions…

The most interesting Thing is, that Primark has no Online Business. They just offer in Stores. That’s it. (except Online Order & Pick Up)

They are brave enough to go against the Trend. This Way, it’s easy for them to use Cross Selling in Stores to gain bigger Baskets. It’s like Ikea. You never come out of a Store with only the Item you intended to buy.

This is the Lindy-Effect at play. (which we covered before)

Of course there is a newer Trend to E-Commerce. But unlike all Competitors, Primark is going against the Grain and tries to win at the “staying” Status Quo.

Proofs that you should always look into both Directions. The Status Quo and the Trend.

Here’s a Wall Street Journal Video which explains Primark’s approach a bit deeper… (only 7 Mins)

An other Case of “being sneaky” and maybe the most famous One, is Michael O’Leary with Ryanair. That Fella is the most “sneaky” Business Man in whole Ireland.

I recommend you his Biography (Link) for further Reading. He’s not the most liked Person in Ireland but he gets a lot of Respect…

# 2 - 🦺 Domi’s „Building in Public“: 🚀 xxx 👨‍💻

Welcome to my Public Building Section. This is where you can sit next to me in the first Coach of the Rollercoaster and learn with me together…

Let's get back to Business... And Boy, the last Week started with a little Shocker.

LinkedIn paused my Account for 5 Days because of a Verification Issue. A great Reminder why "Platform Risks" is a real Threat...

Usually all what People feel if they see a Social Account with a big Following is envy. Envy because they recognise the Influence, the Power and the Money what comes with it.

But be careful. "Platform Risks" means, if you not own the Platform you publish from and making your living with, your Business is always be in danger.

We all know Account close downs of famous YouTubers, after they said something wrong or so. Besides the mandatory Shitstorm, you also get your Main Customer Channel shut down.

That's why, I love my Newsletter. I own this Platform. And I always will Funnel everything to here.

Of course I will use Socials in the Future to get my Stuff to you. So I don't say: "Don't use Socials for Growth".

But I want to remind you to know the Risks...

Let's switch to my current Strategy. My Target Group are european entrepreneurial Thinkers. But where do I find them?

Yes at Universities all over Europe. So I currently try to connect with People which studied some Entrepreneurship related at known Places around Europe.

This is how I can spread my Word into all Areas of Europe to like-minded People and build an Eco-Chamber for my Stuff...

In some Weeks I will be back with the Results for you. I may come up a whole Post here with all my Learnings of my Social Experiments.

So keep reading in the next Weeks...


I am honest to you. It’s bit of a rough start with this Experiment in the last Week. I getting good Stuff out.

But I learned very quickly that a Social Following is not an Over-Night-Success.

#Twitter-Box: The Creativity Faucet - Getting novel Ideas ✍️

Everyone who is writing a lot (like I do every Week) knows this Problem…

Writing a lot sucks.

Why you may ask?

Because it‘s really hard to be creative and find always a novel Idea to write about. (to bring up Stuff that is not bore you to death 🥸)

Also it‘s hard to write not all the Time in the same Phrases. A Problem I have to deal with currently.

Finding the right Mix between my own Voice and fresh Formulations is though.

But like always if I struggle somewhere, I try to find easy and straight forward Advise to solve my Problems.

For this hard Topic, I turned to Julian Shapiro again.

His writing is on Point all the time. And you can read his Texts like you would be sitting next to his Thoughts. He proofs this every Week at Demand Curve.

So achieving good Writing needs Practice, but it‘s definitely possible for everyone.

Here is a cool Tweet from Julian in how to get novel Ideas…

This Tweet is a Game Changer. And you can use this Mental Model for more than just writing Ideas. It‘s perfect for approaching your most burning Problems.

Like Paul Graham (Y Combinator Founder) himself said: „Writing is Thinking with Words“. So it‘s may worth a try to write about your biggest Problem to find a great Solution…

#Domi's favourite 5 - Random Ninja Edition 🥷

Here some cool Reads from last Week:

Feedback please! Help me to improve for more fun Stuff.

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Meme of the Week

Everyone of Us has an Ego somewhere…

🤣😂 Thanks for reading the 30th Issue.

Please share with your Friends and have an epic Week