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- 👊 Domi's favourite Things - Issue #12
👊 Domi's favourite Things - Issue #12
Salty Mountains in Austria 🇦🇹
Read time: 4.30 Minutes
Servus Friends,
hope you liked the insights from Warsaw in the last Issue. 🇵🇱
This week we visit the "A" of the "DACH-Area". Rough German Language but also rough Mountains.
Don't underestimate Austria, there is more than just nice Travel Resorts and Kaiserschmarn (fun Mountain Music Video)…
Especially Vienna runs an emerging Startup-Sector with the backing of big VC's. So here are some Stories about Germany's little Brother...
The Things we are digging in Today:
🐼 Fintech Bitpanda's Mountain-Climb to the Crypto-Unicorn Summits 🗻
🐂 Running Red Bulls are not just in Formula One some of the Worlds Best 🇦🇹
#Twitter-Box: 🤖 ChatGPT: 1,000,000 TikTok followers you said? Hold my Beer...
#Domi's favourite 5 - 👸 Sissi of Austria Edition 🇦🇹
# 1 - 🐼 Panda's in the Crypto-Mountains 🗻
There are a lot of hot Fintech's out there, but Vienna showed us some proof in the past, that this City has to say a word or two in the Race to new Banking. One famous Example is N26.
But we turn for today's Issue to an even more vibrant Player named BitPanda.
Started in 2014 by three Founders, Bitpanda emerged into a Fintech Unicorn (+700 Employees) in just 8 Years with Offices in Berlin and Vienna. A real Example for Blitzscaling.
But why they are so thriving against their hard competition in Fintech? Because they offer the full Suite of financial Features like Investing, Crypto but also ETF's and Creditcards combined with an ease of use for the Customer.
Their Motto is same like Stocks OG Warren Buffett’s: "Only invest in things you really understand." (linked is a HBR Review Comment to this topic by Bill Gates)
Here is the brief Success Story of them via Redbull Magazine...
Bitpanda shows us again how important great product focus is. A Friend's better half is working in the Berlin Office as PM, so I may can come up with some Insights about the methods they using in the future.
# 2 - 🐂 Red Bulls are not just running in Pamplona... 🇦🇹
Because I am in Salzburg right now, we have to talk about them. Can you guess who?
It’s maybe one of the best Marketing-Firms in the Beverage-Industry around the World...🌍 (next to my secret crush Guinness)
Of course we talking about famous Red Bull. Founded in little Salzburg, Red Bull reached worldwide fame even in rural areas of Mongolia...
The shortly deceased Founder Dietrich Mateschitz showed us all, that a contrarian approach like investing his Marketing Budgets into Extreme-Sports to raise attention, proofed to be right to win in the Energy Drinks Department.
We all know the crazy Stunts some Red Bull Athletes did in the past, like a Jump from Space or a really successful Formula One Team.
But there are also some untold Truths of Red Bull out there. So enjoy...
I am a big Fan of the contrarian Style like Peter Thiel is showcasing. I always ask my self first in any Situation/Decision what is the contrarian believe here. Mateschitz was the same of a kind, so this maybe helps your thinking too.
Salzburg is a nice one, you should definitely visit the Red Bull Hangar 7, the Wolfgangsee (Red Bull’s HQ is on the way, looks more like a Bond Villain HQ) and because around the corner, Berchtesgaden with the Königsee & their Salt Mine.
#Twitter-Box: 🤖 ChatGPT: 1,000,000 TikTok followers you said? Hold my Beer... 🍻
This Story needs no Introduction and no Cliff Hanger... HAHA
But give Greg a follow (not just at TikTok), he smashes some good content on Twitter like this around from time to time.
(If you read this Issue at least three weeks later you can see the End-Results in his Thread too)
Social experiment:
I asked ChatGPT if it could take me to 1,000,000 TikTok followers in 30 days and it said it could
I'm doing everything it tells me to do for 30 days and seeing if it will make me TikTok famous
— GREG ISENBERG (@gregisenberg)
2:54 PM • Apr 13, 2023
Greg is a great mind. Currently his opinion in most of his Tweets is, that right now is the best time to get familiar with and understanding AI. He don't mean you have to know the code or else, he means that you should learn how to use AI for your leverage. (Definitely will bring a 101 on this topic)
#Domi's favourite 5 - 👸 Sissi of Austria Edition 🇦🇹
Here some Reads with an austrian Topic or Background:
Feedback please! Help me to improve for more fun Stuff.
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Meme of the Week
Yes, Waaaay to often...

🤣😂 Thanks for reading the 12th Issue.
Please share with your Friends and have an epic Week. 👊