- Domi's Favourite Things
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- 👊 Domi's favourite Things - Issue #56
👊 Domi's favourite Things - Issue #56
🔫 00X: Is this the End? 🔚
Read time: 7.40 Minutes
Servus Friends, 👊
Today is again, a real Special One…
But why?
Because this is the END of “Domi’s Favourite Things”!
I know this is heartbreaking… 🥺
But there is a Silver Lining, so read on. And I promise you can look forward to an exciting Future with me. 🚀
(and of course I don’t let you go without delivering some real cool “Things” a last Time 🎁)
So hold tight Friends…
The Things we are digging in Today:
🦺 Domi’s „Building in Public“: 🚀 This is NOT the End 👨💻
🕰️ How to build Urgency and a Bucket List fast 🪣
💸 How to find Arbitrage Opportunities like Warren Buffet 📈
#Domi's favourite 5 - Random Ending Edition 🔚
# 1 - 🦺 Domi’s „Building in Public“: 🚀 This is NOT the End 👨💻
Welcome to my Public Building Section. This is where you can sit next to me in the first Coach of the Rollercoaster and learn with me together…
First of all. No, this is not the End. This is only the Start into the next Chapter of this Newsletter.
And I want to say big THANKS to all of you.
I talked to many of you, the Readers, in the past Weeks to gather what do you like about this Newsletter and my Writings, what I can improve and what do you don’t like.
I was thinking of changing some “Things” for you since quite a while, to deliver even more Value, but also more Fun for you.
You may recognised as well, that I tested a lot of different Ideas in the past Weeks. I always tried to take you with me, as you know.
And Boy/Girl we learned a lot on the Way.
And with all this Learnings, I want to push the Newsletter to a new Level. To full-fill the Mission to help “entrepreneurial Thinkers” in Europe to learn from the best People, Stories and Concepts around the World.
Therefore the Looks, the System and even the Name of the Newsletter will change.
No worries. “Domi’s favourite Things” will stay as a Section. And no worries, I will take all the good “Things” about the last #56 Issues with me.
So next Week you will receive a new Intro to another Planet. 🪐
And of course I will explain the Idea, the Strategy and the Why of the new Iteration to you in the new first Edition.
Because as “entrepreneurial Thinkers”, we all know the next Iteration is only a Sprint away…
So stay tuned, the Countdown has already started… 🚀
- Domi -
# 2 - 🕰️ How to build Urgency and a Bucket List fast 🪣
Two Weeks ago I went to a Friends Birthday. The Day before, I was visiting a Book Store to find a suitable Present for his big Day.
And I found One that maybe Everyone of us should read around a Birthday in his/her 30s.
It was Four Thousand Weeks.
It’s a Book about Time. It’s about how much Time everyone of us has…
And it plain Numbers, it’s not that much as you may think. As you can guess, if we turn 85-90, we have around 4000 Weeks.
I know, this is not a Business Topic, but an important One.
Everyone who wants to build something in his/her Life needs a crucial trait.
It’s Urgency.
Of course Life is not only about Work. (except for Germans 🇩🇪) 😅
So take care of your private Life first and build then.
But this shows you that your Career only have a certain amount of Weeks left. This should trigger you to maybe use this Story to rethink your current Path a bit more.
The best People you can meet in your Worklife, are usually the Ones which have a high urgency. The Drive to change something for the Better.
This is a great Predictor of long and good Career Success, especially in Terms of building Companies or drive great Projects.
You don’t have to read the Book above to visualize how short a Human Life can look like on Paper.
But you can read this great Article for Free to get a bigger Picture…
I don’t know why, maybe because this is the last Domi’s fav Things Issue, but I talk about a lot of humbling Stories today.
You don’t have to get stressed reading this Post here, but maybe you should not postpone everything to later in your Life. (I say it: YOLO 😂)
#Twitter-Box: 🤖 The Rise of AI was 1964 not 2022 (ChatGPT) ☀️
A few Years ago, I was writing my Master Thesis in a big Student Library in Berlin.
So far, so normal.
Between some hard Sessions of Writing, I was tinkering around the Bookshelves in the Department of the “Last Reads”.
These are Books which are turning so old that they have to make Room for newer Ones.
The Books in this Department are usually around 20 to 25 Years old and just get out of date. The Research went on and the Topics have changed.
I did this walks in this Department, because no other Students are around there. It was easy to chill there for a bit. But one late Evening tinkering around there again, a Book caught my Attention.
It was a Book from 1996 talking about AI. But during that Time, AI just was a Concept until the Drop of ChatGPT in 2022.
So I was wondering about, how the f*** a Book from 1996 can talk about this Topic. Of course I had a look into the Book…
Humanity were not able till some Years ago to do useful Stuff with AI. (we may still not able to 🙃)
But the Frameworks and Ideas were already there. Written in plain Text. Nothing new.
And if we look around into other “Breakthroughs” in History, it was often the same. Often the Ideas are around for a while, but you have to build a working Product with a working “Marketing”.
Otherwise you only will be a forgotten Pioneer. (remember, Steve Jobs wasn’t the first with Smartphones 🤨)
Last Week I saw this at Twitter and was immediately thinking about that AI-Book from 1996 and this Story.
This is a little Talk from Arthur C. Clarke about AI in 1964.
Enjoy… (only 1.40 mins)
Arthur C. Clarke about the future of AI.
— 21 September 1964
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973)
10:40 AM • Feb 6, 2024
I love to see Stuff like this. Because this makes me humble. And reminds me you maybe never the First. But you also don’t have too…
(Sorry, that I am talking a lot about Books today 🥸)
#Domi's favourite 5 - Random Ending Edition 🔚
Here are my most interesting Reads and Vids of last Week:
Sahil Lavingia: No Meetings, No Deadlines, No Full-Time Employees (Gumroad Founder Story)
Pieter Levels: How to Build a Startup Without Funding (Youtube)
Go Fucking Do it: Setting a Goal and if you don’t Archive it you have to Pay (Best Goal Setting Tool EVER)
Feedback please! Help me to improve for more fun Stuff.
Click on a link to vote:
Meme of the Week
Why I hate the Idea of running a Freelance Job myself… 🙃

🤣😂 Thanks for reading the 56th Issue.
Please share with your Friends and see you on another Planet soon. 🪐