- Domi's Favourite Things
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- 👊 Domi's favourite Things - Issue #52
👊 Domi's favourite Things - Issue #52
The Anniversary Special 🎉
Read time: 6.50 Minutes
Servus Friends, 👊
A whole Year of writing this Newsletter is behind us. Fifty-Two Issues. Every Week. Without a Break. And still 48 to go to full-fill the Rule of 100. (will talk about that Rule later again👇)
What a Journey.
And I have to say, it’s a lot of Fun writing for you all these Lines and collecting all these Links. Producing Content I wish which had existed before.
Of course I will continue for more. Many Entrepreneurs preach that writing is helping you to think, to learn and to communicate.
I really underestimated this.
But I promise there will great Stuff coming up. I am currently working on a little Re-Brand to deliver even more Value for your Career and Projects.
But for now, let’s party and enjoy the Birthday Issue with Tons of great Stories and Learnings… 🎂
The Things we are digging in Today:
All-Time Classic Post: 💥 The Unbundling 🪐
🦺 Domi’s „Building in Public“: 🚀 How to increase the Readers-Value 👨💻
#Twitter-Box: 💸 How to find Arbitrage Opportunities like Warren Buffet 📈
#Domi's favourite 5 - My All-Time Favourites Edition ✨
# 1 - All-Time Classic Post: 💥 The Unbundling 🪐
Let‘s talk a bit about the bigger Picture today. (or more precise, the World around us 🫠)
I promise I get to the Point, where this helps all of us to get better Business Ideas in the Future…
However, Storytime first:
If we look back into the last two Decades, we have to conclude that a lot have changed. Especially since Steve famously said „One more Thing“, we saw a lot of new Stuff and Ideas in our Lives. 📱
Many of them, we can remember, but I bet so many more happed without we even recognised them…
The following Story of Change will opening your Eyes and features a big AHA-Moment later on.
But what Major Shift was really so impactful, that this is influencing your Life ever since?
Let‘s talk about the great „Unbundling“.
With „Unbundling“ we mean, the Process of splitting the „bundled“ Value of a Major Product with many different Users into many Products with a deeper focus on a specific User.
Sounds a bit complicated first, but I explain with an easy Example…
We all know Craigslist from the US.
A Platform you can find everything like Jobs, Housing or other Offers… (I believe nearly every european Country has its own Version of this)
Now a Question…
When was the last Time you used Craigslist or the Alike?
I know. A very long time ago.
But why?
Because this happed to Craigslist…

This is the Power of Unbundling.
So if you brainstorming for new Ideas soon, maybe you should look at some old major bundled Platforms first.
Then try to “unbundle” a Part of the Platform into a valuable Product for a more specific Customer.
Now it's easy to raise the (Value)-Bar in your more narrow Target Group and beat the old Platform.
A great Recipe to win.
Now let's use the Idea of Unbundling and think back, like in the initial Story…
Do you recognise other Major Shifts in the past Decades through unbundling? (psst, think of the Newspaper Industry 20 Years ago 🗞️)
Are your Eyes wide open now?
If you still hungry for more, you can find more Examples and a deeper Explanation in the following Blog Post…
This Story is a great Reminder, why sometimes it‘s necessary to go back in Time. It‘s way easier to find helpful Models to encode the World around you.
And as a Bonus, a useful Method to get new Business Ideas today…
# 2 - 🦺 Domi’s „Building in Public“: 🚀 How to increase the Readers-Value 👨💻
Welcome to my Public Building Section. This is where you can sit next to me in the first Coach of the Rollercoaster and learn with me together… 🎢
Let’s get back on Track, today I serve you the #52-Special.
Building and Learning is of course not over. And there is still plenty of Room to reach the Rule of 100.
A Week ago we used the Framework of the Ideal Customer Profiles to find all the Target Group for this Newsletter.
The Main Idea, after we identified the Profiles, is to find Ways to generate more Value for all of them.
This was the Result from Issue #51:
So the main Questions are for every Group is, what are they most interested in? But also, what they want to learn by reading this?
Let’s start with each Group and brainstorm what Content they looking for and how to serve their Pains and Needs…
#1 European Founders
These Group build already an initial Product or Service and found their first Customers. But many of them need to increase their Business in order to get sustainable for the long Run.
They looking for Ideas to:
Grow their Business, getting more Customers
How to increase the Value of their Product / Service
How to build better running Systems / handle their Growth
How to manage People and a daily Business
#2 Aspiring european Founders
These Group is mostly in the early Stage of their Career or still at University. They looking for Answers in potential Knowledge Gaps they have. Also they would to learn how the real World works in Business.
They looking for Content to:
How to find and evaluate Startup Ideas
They want to get into the Business Community and gaining a Network
Want to learn Frameworks and Systems which help them to succeed
Understanding the Startup / Business World
#3 Entrepreneurial Business Professionals
These Group is already some Years in a Job, mostly at Startups or innovative Corporations. They want to advance in their Career and find helpful Ideas for their Project. They work on Customer Facing Products and Services.
They looking for Content to:
Build their Career and how to deliver great Projects
Want to learn Framework sand Systems which help them to succeed
Want to hear great Business Stories
- - - -
The good Thing about investing in this thinking Labor is, that you get a lot of new Ideas for Content or how to Change the Structure to make this Newsletter even better. Also some perfect Hints to generate some “Lead Magnets” to drive new Subscribers.
But enough Strategising for a while now.
In the next Weeks I have to use this Ideas to make every Issue one Step better. I hope I can prove the Rule of 100 till early next Year and produce more great Content for you in the Future.
So stay tuned till the next Issue.
Next Time, I will give you a new Overview about my Social Postings. How strong they Perform… What I learned in the last Weeks…
#Twitter-Box: 💸 How to find Arbitrage Opportunities like Warren Buffet 📈
Warren Buffet is famous for only 1 Thing and 1 Thing only.
It’s finding and buying undervalued Stocks.
He never claimed anything else for his Success.
Translated into Business Terms, this means to find undervalued Opportunities.
And the best Thing is, this is rather a Skill but more of a Mindset. And you can learn this too.
But how?
I tell you. By just spotting them with your Eyes wide open.
Most of the People are looking at the hot trendy Stuff, instead of looking where nobody is searching for a Pot of Gold.
You want an Example?
Let’s try to find undervalued Marketing Chances. We all heard of the Decline of Ad-Customers at X/Twitter since Elon was taking the Reigns.
Most of the People are see there a big Tragedy of Twitter’s past Success.
Smart People like Val Katayev see a cheap Opportunity to run Ads for Cents instead of Dollars.
Enjoy Val’s Thread on Twitter about this… (What an Irony 🙃)
Some people are making millions on X (Twitter) ads right now simply because it’s inexpensive and demand is low at this time.
I can tell just by seeing the types of direct response ads that are in my feed.
Young & hungry Val would find a way to arbitrage this.
— Val Katayev (@ValKatayev)
12:59 AM • Dec 4, 2023
You want another Example? Currently we had the European Handball Cup in Germany, the second biggest Sports after Football in Europe. Advertising there is Way… cheaper than in Football.
But if Germany gets to the Finals, nearly 20 Million People would watch the Game. This is truly an undervalued Opportunity. (and I love Handball 🤾)
#Domi's favourite 5 - My All-Time Favourites Edition ✨
Here are my personal All-Time Classic Reads, all for Free. I promise, after you read them all, you are ahead of the Curve:
Feedback please! Help me to improve for more fun Stuff.
Click on a link to vote:
Meme of the Week
I think a lot of us are Guilty to this Charge… 👩⚖️

🤣😂 Thanks for reading the 52th Issue.
Please share with your Friends and have an epic Week.